First Discord Tourneys of 2024


  • First place in each monthly leaderboard wins a backpack full of prizes featuring ten $330 Grand Slam tickets, ten $110 Sunday Slam Tickets, ten $11 Mini Slam Tickets!
  • Second place winner gets a backpack of three $330 Grand Slam tickets, three $110 Sunday Slam Tickets, three $11 Mini Slam Tickets!
  • Third place winner gets a backpack of two $330 Grand Slam tickets, two $110 Sunday Slam Tickets, two $11 Mini Slam Tickets


Leaderboard Standings

Here's a look at the Top-10 after the two weeks of January competition


1Shaihulud7520 95
2Jonnylawford575 80
3Monkeyking92505 55
3tStrahilius550 55
5ma5t3rm1nd355 40
5tRicatto535 40
7ragnarokPP2010 30
8TuttoLotta205 25
8tFakkpereda205 25
8tCollinCapone205 25
8tJustPlaying205 25
8tHoneyBadger888520 25
8tQQvsAK520 25


ispLashcrans520 25


EmotonalFish520 25


How To Earn Points

Players in the weekly Discord tournaments earn points based on your finishing place. For weeks 1-2, here’s the points you can earn.


  • 1st place: 75 points
  • 2nd place: 50 points
  • 3rd place: 35 points
  • 4-10th place: 20 points
  • 11-20th place: 10 points
  • 21st place onwards: 5 points


The 3rd week each month offers you 50-percent more points!

  • 1st place: 112.5 points
  • 2nd place: 75 points
  • 3rd place: 52.5 points
  • 4-10th place: 30 points
  • 11-20th place: 15 points
  • 21st place onwards: 7.5 points