Rewarding Integrity in Poker (RIP)

Say RIP to Cheaters!

Since day one, WPT Global has been dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of game integrity. We have made significant investments in the areas of AI research, game theory, and detection powered by machine learning to stay ahead of the curve. We're proud to highlight our ‘RIP’ program, an essential component in our comprehensive strategy against unfair play.

We recognize the crucial role the community plays in assisting us with detecting unfair practices. Your reports are a vital complement to our technological efforts and play a crucial role in our extensive strategy to combat cheating.

WPT Global's unique initiative – the Rewarding Integrity in Poker (RIP) program. This is a testament to our unwavering dedication to game integrity.

Rewarding Your Vigilance

If you have knowledge of any unfair practices or integrity breaches associated with WPT Global, and you can provide clear and concrete evidence that our team can verify and take action with, you may be eligible for a financial reward.

If the information you provide leads to the identification and correction of unfair activities, and after any affected players have been fully compensated, a portion of the remaining confiscated funds (and potentially more, at our discretion) is reserved as a reward for your efforts.

Historically, our network has distributed multiple rewards in upwards of 6-figures (USD) for select, extremely valuable reports that have played a crucial role in helping our team improve network security.


How To Report Unfair Practices Anonymously

To report a game integrity issue, email us at [email protected]

Your report should contain as much detailed information as possible so that we can investigate your claim thoroughly. The likelihood of receiving a reward increases with the strength of the verifiable evidence that you provide. We encourage including additional evidence as attachments should you believe that it strengthens your report. In the event that our team successfully resolves the case, you will be eligible to receive your bounty. Bounty size and conditions are determined at our discretion.
Please be assured that every report is treated with utmost confidentiality and seriousness. We do welcome anonymous reports should you wish to remain private. However, please note that, should your report be deemed eligible for a reward, you will need to provide us with contact details in order to receive compensation.

Additionally, please be aware that we approach our responsibilities to Game Integrity with the highest level of diligence, and therefore, reports that are evidently malicious or misleading will not be pursued.

Reach out to [email protected] with any questions or reports.

Say “RIP” to Cheaters - Support Integrity at WPT Global and Get Rewarded!