Campero Leads WPT World Championship With 100 Left

WPT Global: You're really making a good run here and still have a strong stack over there. What has your journey been like on Day 3?

Andres Campero: I've played really well I think. I made a really tough call, and then a big fold. I did get lucky at the beginning, that's probably the most important thing to say. I got in Aces vs. Kings for a big stack. I became the chip leader at my table with that. Then I did get unlucky at least twice. Queens got cracked against A-J, and then A-4 with a 4 on the flop against A-10, but a 10 came on the turn. But overall I've been more lucky than unlucky. But I think I've been playing really well against good opponents so I'm really happy. 

WPTG: You have had a big stack for a long time now since yesterday. How are you using that position as table captain to your advantage?

Campero: I really played it before the money bubble last night, that's when I really used it. There was a point with three left before the money bubble where I literally jammed every single hand because there were a lot of people at my table that didn't have a lot of chips. Right now, not so much. Everyone at my table has chips now, everyone is about 100 big blinds deep. So I'm not going to just overdo my position.

WPTG: You've had the same seat all day today as all the other tables in the tournament break around you. How do you adjust your play so quickly as a bunch of new players are moved over to your table? 

Campero: I've tried to be really focused and pay good attention. So for example there was a player who was super aggressive, and I just take that into account. If another player is super tight I will take that into account as well, and maybe open wider against them.

WPTG: We're approaching the really big payjumps in the tournament at this late point, so how do you keep from getting ahead of yourself about expectations for a huge cash?

Campero: I do a little bit, but I try to remind myself that there is still a long way to go. But having some experience in other tournaments where you get that deep and then you're like 'Yes!' helps. We're still far from the really good places, so I just try to remind myself of that, and try to not be too emotional about it.