Weekly Main MTT Leaderboard Week 2
Position | Nickname | Points |
1 | Aria | 957.2253284 |
2 | hoixxxxx96 | 877.7157761 |
3 | Kutelo82 | 782.0283396 |
4 | Newlifer | 716.5667939 |
5 | 鲁班黑桃A | 627.8189655 |
6 | 很久很人 | 607.740661 |
7 | Agasajo | 585.2197683 |
8 | Jejeshark22 | 558.367347 |
9 | DonkeyKong99 | 434.135332 |
10 | 千里姻缘 | 424.872849 |
11 | 幸运之神嘉嘉 | 381.7666983 |
12 | 部落佳人 | 361.8062166 |
13 | allinft | 355.7677669 |
14 | 調理農務系教授 | 354.8941685 |
15 | yuan hjust | 349.5427328 |
16 | Ssd李 | 324.678846 |
17 | 刀神然后呢 | 324.4366963 |
18 | yinian | 307.6871065 |
19 | Gapeos | 301.431723 |
20 | Well soon | 301.0266646 |
21 | 幸运板栗 | 298.549244 |
22 | CNDCombine | 297.965938 |
23 | Ly10 | 295.6576112 |
24 | SeanWu | 293.1461827 |
25 | cailili | 287.8470432 |
26 | 小王哦哦哦 | 286.2651252 |
27 | imsolucky | 281.386006 |
28 | Guadis | 276.1273109 |
29 | 中Set顶硬上 | 267.8640983 |
30 | 我爱吃辣条 | 266.1613768 |
31 | XCOM | 254.3929498 |
32 | 虐你到天光 | 250.2087919 |
33 | 虎妹下山 | 247.7711035 |
34 | 赌神 | 244.2569652 |
35 | 三眼桥李书记 | 239.3135058 |
36 | 坚果同花AA | 234.7853799 |
37 | 6668888 | 234.2823866 |
38 | 卡布达丶 | 233.955813 |
39 | S626 | 233.3985674 |
40 | Cms931007 | 224.4032382 |
41 | RaulMarin | 223.5769278 |
42 | kkhfdsgg | 222.9726603 |
43 | 部落女战士 | 216.1194974 |
44 | flop无敌 | 215.5215932 |
45 | 绝对攻略 | 215.2658319 |
46 | CoccoSoprano | 214.3456553 |
47 | ututut | 212.8992301 |
48 | TT乐 | 201.8795162 |
49 | 爱你一万年o | 200.1703146 |
50 | eldelii | 199.350031 |
51 | R0se | 198.0354311 |
52 | 可以开 | 195.5695635 |
53 | 试着推你 | 192.5251186 |
54 | sofast | 190.9825175 |
55 | LucasNoia | 189.7096895 |
56 | otaviohen | 186.0431248 |
57 | ekkothenerd | 184.6719779 |
58 | Trejo026 | 184.2127154 |
59 | 有点上头0Dp | 180.064494 |
60 | 淘宝京东 | 177.4283929 |
61 | sorryIMdrunk | 176.8342013 |
62 | alinnm | 173.7943171 |
63 | Harryba77 | 171.643654 |
64 | PASSIO | 171.6299254 |
65 | Zིྀ | 169.7374802 |
66 | djdhhdiej | 168.7766911 |
67 | dashi归来 | 167.5580977 |
68 | 卉云 | 167.2823514 |
69 | 弥勒佛本尊 | 166.4198523 |
70 | 超级咸鱼王 | 163.8965134 |
71 | 我真的没有范围 | 163.8178154 |
72 | Katana9 | 163.4945472 |
73 | yulele | 160.5692974 |
74 | Oliverreyes | 160.0307687 |
75 | Vividor | 159.3219191 |
76 | 少女敏 | 159.1026855 |
77 | 皇家同花顺慢打 | 158.3821955 |
78 | 王小二郎 | 158.3397763 |
79 | mlp | 158.3211613 |
80 | brathana | 158.1406176 |
81 | 开司先生 | 157.8414459 |
82 | 大冬瓜 | 157.7549539 |
83 | Sh0cKvN | 157.6659957 |
84 | liangliang11 | 155.1330606 |
85 | 乱来了 | 154.7797522 |
86 | HerrFrey | 154.5489262 |
87 | DZ谢霆锋 | 150.5965591 |
88 | 锁我喉是吧 | 147.5058981 |
89 | 德游天下2 | 146.7183003 |
90 | 小韦德 | 146.2948913 |
91 | Oops7 | 145.8828085 |
92 | Dean tom | 143.4258746 |
93 | KOKI0810 | 143.199911 |
94 | lahdbdhb123 | 142.6272467 |
95 | MTTsZiKKaA | 140.8152757 |
96 | Morelike | 139.7651024 |
97 | 鱼二十三 | 138.3088801 |
98 | 冷静想想好吧 | 137.8409086 |
99 | lucassong | 136.9830915 |
100 | 白桃Rio | 136.0625993 |
101 | 稳中求胜611 | 134.2765051 |
102 | 大概就是这样 | 134.1141372 |
103 | 林eFjB | 132.1929669 |
104 | 阳光十普照 | 131.4029625 |
105 | pedrostjr | 129.8767674 |
106 | 陈大炮弹 | 128.8568665 |
107 | 赢钱来了66 | 128.1568877 |
108 | 小小鱼儿鱼儿 | 127.3842368 |
109 | 大侠驴子 | 127.2945501 |
110 | 不要扯皮 | 127.0744008 |
111 | 潮圣 | 126.8789593 |
112 | maskmanb | 126.8629959 |
113 | 双木成林 | 126.860609 |
114 | zxc66 | 126.1672308 |
115 | good156 | 125.4487323 |
116 | GylbertFD | 124.6078968 |
117 | DorinaWang | 124.4015013 |
118 | 七木 | 124.2358957 |
119 | 明磨破弄 | 123.7219128 |
120 | kim1999 | 122.0752002 |
121 | saleitao | 122.0319018 |
122 | Juanpablo920 | 121.993762 |
123 | 陈二狗狗狗狗狗 | 121.731373 |
124 | MEXdusa | 119.9390828 |
125 | 匡扶正义 | 119.8199648 |
126 | 吕施主 | 119.7724197 |
127 | 送我200分 | 119.7679975 |
128 | 赌神很神 | 119.7294274 |
129 | a517406314 | 119.0864484 |
130 | 讲文明 | 118.5887281 |
131 | 尕c板板 | 118.471073 |
132 | 我爱你xjq | 118.1908042 |
133 | 千面男优头很大 | 117.499973 |
134 | 来个来了 | 117.1033342 |
135 | Matheusrjb | 116.9948759 |
136 | uuduna1 | 114.962856 |
137 | 火火狐狸 | 114.9188866 |
138 | 我从山上来 | 114.7209856 |
139 | Neal37 | 113.8346965 |
140 | 李莎琳娜 | 113.4322477 |
141 | Daredeviling | 112.2848209 |
142 | erison | 111.5039582 |
143 | 非常可能 | 109.2795 |
144 | Arya1188 | 108.803765 |
145 | Piedrita | 108.5693899 |
146 | 德远棉 | 108.2631284 |
147 | Adrianopel | 107.6320824 |
148 | 海大鱼 | 107.6231113 |
149 | DomMike | 107.1183265 |
150 | 弱水 | 106.9940802 |
151 | 某角落 | 106.7269711 |
152 | Matrixhas17 | 106.0526038 |
153 | 靓仔梭哈 | 106.03131 |
154 | iaka | 104.7250574 |
155 | Jaibito | 104.1156168 |
156 | 顺风又顺水 | 104.0410033 |
157 | 光合作用 | 103.9606511 |
158 | Wolabo9999 | 103.0693121 |
159 | 小鱼儿5212 | 100.6794221 |
160 | GiveMe888 | 100.1945001 |
161 | YHHSWDMZ | 99.98907581 |
162 | UDNUDH | 99.76412647 |
163 | Canic83 | 99.71300164 |
164 | JulioMiranda | 98.86682718 |
165 | fisnikb | 98.66969111 |
166 | Pegasoandres | 97.98048734 |
167 | 风浪越大鱼越贵cc | 97.95441836 |
168 | scopel2008 | 97.69052762 |
169 | but了嘛 | 97.20861445 |
170 | vualidon9x | 96.81872657 |
171 | Kenkenzabu | 96.27922916 |
172 | GUSPXDP77 | 95.53060092 |
173 | 我的青春我做 | 95.27501205 |
174 | 好了好了好了 | 95.26644778 |
175 | 三六十八 | 95.25237435 |
176 | 一只鬼 | 95.16142588 |
177 | ivey78 | 94.62594972 |
178 | 175175 | 94.50119516 |
179 | oNeTwoA | 94.22545902 |
180 | 哲哥狠狠干 | 93.98180645 |
181 | infuture | 93.89398137 |
182 | zorrolover | 93.73718722 |
183 | 馒头山高桥凉介 | 93.72360253 |
184 | 河沙王中王 | 93.05456844 |
185 | Ldddddddd1 | 92.7645404 |
186 | call_station | 92.43393026 |
187 | ufkfnvhojh | 92.17144222 |
188 | 天若有晴 | 92.08361269 |
189 | LeoGuerrero | 91.90362618 |
190 | mjdzp | 91.67368838 |
191 | 我不是我没有 | 91.41030452 |
192 | 非常乐队 | 90.90416315 |
193 | 胡说九道 | 90.90172411 |
194 | JoseGab | 90.8202208 |
195 | 告诫自己不allin | 90.79227748 |
196 | ZzNoFearzZ | 90.60606797 |
197 | ndblock | 90.42718528 |
198 | SantiagoF | 90.05078129 |
199 | 小黄人大眼萌 | 89.52110221 |
200 | donaiyanen | 88.5505462 |
201 | K9河杀杀你 | 88.28654512 |
202 | akon1988 | 88.24949107 |
203 | ErikNguyen89 | 88.240484 |
204 | 德海狂鲨 | 88.18167681 |
205 | 飞飞147 | 88.17363806 |
206 | Oswaldo17 | 88.0686066 |
207 | MiLo6868 | 87.88171671 |
208 | 玩玩而己 | 87.66972344 |
209 | SSBlue | 87.09385112 |
210 | 梦醒 | 84.36691775 |
211 | 大宝8大宝8 | 84.25198277 |
212 | Fedezun | 84.1139754 |
213 | 路口再加 | 83.9517249 |
214 | 澳门豪梦垃圾 | 83.86241531 |
215 | nutsbh22 | 83.67369628 |
216 | LHX2009 | 83.4094048 |
217 | 27杂ALLIN | 83.38042299 |
218 | qsyy | 83.32638955 |
219 | cuche90 | 83.09444817 |
220 | 浪李太保 | 83.02689178 |
221 | iwantzero | 82.66556651 |
222 | 一鱼一 | 81.97680721 |
223 | 尤溪 | 81.76136513 |
224 | Simer | 81.72063015 |
225 | lupen999 | 81.52076071 |
226 | 枫88888 | 81.47437768 |
227 | MatYeager31 | 80.90462306 |
228 | naz2022 | 80.63351256 |
229 | 酒量胆量 | 80.23252872 |
230 | kmnb | 79.9891711 |
231 | haranimu | 79.90400761 |
232 | 那些年那些事 | 78.97629412 |
233 | tessilla17 | 78.81139097 |
234 | 冷静自律 | 78.38748081 |
235 | 小红学生 | 78.28223643 |
236 | 佛山名仕 | 77.55383071 |
237 | fuhui | 77.08920594 |
238 | Doutrinadorr | 76.96816033 |
239 | 空想主义者 | 76.76999825 |
240 | 大魔王W | 76.60028955 |
241 | Balzeta | 76.18573569 |
242 | tomdwan的爹爹 | 75.99682437 |
243 | 垃圾号 | 75.99111094 |
244 | GBXS | 75.85616078 |
245 | dododada | 75.50691524 |
246 | 最后一盘 | 75.26939071 |
247 | 猪便便 | 75.24372179 |
248 | bongolongo | 74.91271692 |
249 | 德游天下 | 74.59964323 |
250 | 贵州茅台酒 | 74.32453984 |
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