Weekly Main MTT Leaderboard Week 6
Position | Nickname | Points |
1 | 刀神然后呢 | 1653.981169 |
2 | Kutelo82 | 1306.58823 |
3 | good156 | 1226.977854 |
4 | imBones | 1103.366473 |
5 | Newlifer | 1092.199277 |
6 | 鲁班黑桃A | 1052.057448 |
7 | palorindo | 933.2736714 |
8 | 小王哦哦哦 | 741.4047231 |
9 | Agasajo | 633.9146888 |
10 | 德远棉 | 532.8921363 |
11 | 一点 | 474.9814769 |
12 | yinian | 449.9925756 |
13 | 河牌不买单 | 424.6415042 |
14 | 玩徳州心态好 | 406.0918313 |
15 | AGoodHand | 386.856351 |
16 | Slaughter | 358.8789581 |
17 | 降鱼 | 347.5193924 |
18 | 小苏eeee | 345.119033 |
19 | DonkeyKong99 | 311.7905273 |
20 | hoixxxxx96 | 295.7468039 |
21 | 空悲切白了少年 | 292.3048437 |
22 | Dracaraise | 283.9721906 |
23 | 打败你我就是冠军 | 275.9792584 |
24 | erictmtl | 266.0557022 |
25 | IWasBorn2Win | 265.4812 |
26 | Tommy宝宝 | 252.5371438 |
27 | 小锅锅666 | 252.4815868 |
28 | 河牌亡者 | 250.2231745 |
29 | 阿白mtt专用 | 237.628772 |
30 | kbs7706283 | 237.3650875 |
31 | TudoDeus | 232.6009711 |
32 | 打排位 | 229.7474826 |
33 | PASSIO | 224.595199 |
34 | 子之统系 | 221.4725366 |
35 | Tatuajero | 218.3572175 |
36 | Nodoogz | 217.1538753 |
37 | sorryIMdrunk | 216.9080169 |
38 | 不输不赢也行 | 216.3191547 |
39 | 三六十八 | 211.1777016 |
40 | 微风的夏天 | 206.1398294 |
41 | hungxamco82 | 206.0310505 |
42 | SeanWu | 205.5304981 |
43 | Phatwin86 | 202.0944572 |
44 | Kabaranko | 196.5289031 |
45 | AAllinAllday | 192.0562508 |
46 | Vividor | 190.9558872 |
47 | grillo270 | 188.5699525 |
48 | 爆爆机人 | 185.8534259 |
49 | pedrocunhas | 185.7697365 |
50 | 999sue | 182.0789213 |
51 | sofast | 180.7127343 |
52 | allinft | 180.1007499 |
53 | 三点水 | 175.8249148 |
54 | mr灰鸽 | 173.7070254 |
55 | ccghost11 | 170.6310389 |
56 | 是不是呢 | 169.8044952 |
57 | WrongWayKid | 168.1294443 |
58 | mlp | 167.7425873 |
59 | DonSweps | 167.7165028 |
60 | 遮云壑 | 167.671676 |
61 | 如鱼得水1994 | 166.6855396 |
62 | 八喜临门 | 164.4517015 |
63 | uuduna1 | 163.2656785 |
64 | pokerfish218 | 162.9402313 |
65 | ProudCommie | 162.9083275 |
66 | 卉云 | 162.1398209 |
67 | 情星 | 161.6424685 |
68 | otaviohen | 161.2709015 |
69 | b88999 | 160.0538804 |
70 | YHHYYSWDMZ | 157.811752 |
71 | fisnikb | 157.2585512 |
72 | 林德叉车 | 157.1292362 |
73 | DTQTPPKKTQ | 156.9320109 |
74 | Peterman9 | 156.68648 |
75 | scopel2008 | 155.0976562 |
76 | HerrFrey | 154.8019851 |
77 | VanTuyenVN | 152.6858053 |
78 | dashi归来 | 148.9675932 |
79 | 水水水水 | 148.8325409 |
80 | HardGrinder | 148.2589249 |
81 | 奔跑吧AA | 147.980114 |
82 | plm181 | 146.2146379 |
83 | 糖醋阴门骨 | 145.7598252 |
84 | Wayne18 | 145.6917307 |
85 | milga1984 | 145.5287578 |
86 | 小可爱2 | 144.3909111 |
87 | JINGYIP | 142.8896565 |
88 | 千里姻缘 | 142.4996708 |
89 | Method | 141.7890918 |
90 | crazyydd | 141.2600043 |
91 | sandro01 | 140.3862975 |
92 | Frayser | 140.1194564 |
93 | GodIsGood | 139.7741554 |
94 | 虎妹下山 | 138.6793451 |
95 | mrjggyness | 137.7299941 |
96 | kkhfdsgg | 137.4276677 |
97 | Love吗 | 136.973493 |
98 | 水上不偷 | 136.8962373 |
99 | 张公子oppa | 133.9162451 |
100 | Wolabo9999 | 133.2482539 |
101 | 吴彦祖778 | 132.8711677 |
102 | 幸运之神嘉嘉 | 132.5838204 |
103 | oskarV00 | 132.1410927 |
104 | 稳中有牌 | 131.9001233 |
105 | zzui | 131.3351974 |
106 | 52785845 | 131.2886456 |
107 | 哈萨克 | 131.0369352 |
108 | zaki10 | 130.8406057 |
109 | 七木 | 130.2630765 |
110 | a517406314 | 129.2227593 |
111 | drduc | 127.7453513 |
112 | 笑者流泪 | 127.4307129 |
113 | 皇家同花顺慢打 | 127.3767176 |
114 | 枫丹白露 | 126.5173127 |
115 | 铜锣湾老大 | 126.4349527 |
116 | 他又来送啦 | 125.6136444 |
117 | 林家军 | 125.5391023 |
118 | kudokai | 125.3457161 |
119 | 嘎嘎一顿乱杀 | 124.2346057 |
120 | Cms931007 | 122.9966897 |
121 | 奈斯fool | 122.0556141 |
122 | Leeeeeeo | 121.1556147 |
123 | Lucky79 | 121.003678 |
124 | XCOM | 120.6459174 |
125 | 夺冠小天使 | 119.2782187 |
126 | iNeverMind | 118.1100003 |
127 | Allin未怕过 | 117.6129962 |
128 | Jokeszxc | 116.0246222 |
129 | 爱你一万年o | 115.4216533 |
130 | JoseGab | 113.6726432 |
131 | tostos | 113.3838754 |
132 | holly1215 | 113.052248 |
133 | Harryba77 | 112.8737432 |
134 | 顺风又顺水 | 112.6337979 |
135 | 善不了一点逸 | 112.4155305 |
136 | leontennis | 111.6739796 |
137 | Well soon | 111.6247276 |
138 | 有点上头0Dp | 111.1286069 |
139 | 大刀鲛肌4bH | 110.9679849 |
140 | 酸菜鱼kt | 110.3255574 |
141 | pocketacesAJ | 110.1869358 |
142 | awl明 | 109.4879631 |
143 | 德海狂鲨 | 109.4399505 |
144 | HeEtSeatto | 108.1198297 |
145 | Ldddddddd1 | 108.0503535 |
146 | 有点意思U280 | 107.8538996 |
147 | deleon | 107.5955778 |
148 | 晚风pro | 106.7974178 |
149 | hmorenob | 106.552565 |
150 | TT乐丶 | 106.4584721 |
151 | 我爱你xjq | 106.2470487 |
152 | 黑白通吃 | 106.0126093 |
153 | 小杨g | 106.0005937 |
154 | Balzeta | 104.9756801 |
155 | 累累的南京人 | 104.7611964 |
156 | djdhhdiej | 103.0000317 |
157 | 鱼鳞恰鱼 | 102.5734227 |
158 | cuche90 | 102.5384313 |
159 | 杰克拳掌 | 102.3887416 |
160 | 不吃别巴拉 | 102.2430926 |
161 | AGUIAN | 100.7824449 |
162 | haranimu | 100.6437274 |
163 | 弥勒佛本尊 | 100.5862897 |
164 | covid19injec | 100.4228151 |
165 | 积极参与活动 | 100.3706436 |
166 | 妳超浪的好么 | 100.2006123 |
167 | Cersei1188 | 99.94097883 |
168 | 凡刀崽 | 99.85633391 |
169 | 祥云 | 99.03034432 |
170 | MonJJ | 98.28321039 |
171 | 投资专家阿龟 | 97.94038919 |
172 | speedy30 | 97.4734656 |
173 | Emma0907 | 97.21756573 |
174 | hiroyuki617 | 96.80855459 |
175 | 辉煌在部落 | 96.48581132 |
176 | ysd123 | 96.26350812 |
177 | 幺儿爱你 | 95.8212396 |
178 | chocoray10 | 95.43795677 |
179 | BigFish35 | 95.35954855 |
180 | 业余选手o | 95.20507136 |
181 | h82w84u420 | 94.963273 |
182 | PokerGppt | 94.75453046 |
183 | 陨石AA | 94.71976212 |
184 | yari1031 | 94.71570318 |
185 | 逆行者A | 94.09843494 |
186 | MEXdusa | 93.77879519 |
187 | GODLIKE27 | 93.58779644 |
188 | 翻前你就落后 | 93.56552002 |
189 | T7even | 93.42842878 |
190 | 蒲庙仔 | 93.35383695 |
191 | Aceblade25 | 92.02604397 |
192 | Madhavkad | 91.77369546 |
193 | 豪礼氦 | 91.72427824 |
194 | 决赛桌 | 91.57349418 |
195 | 阿南007 | 91.50572938 |
196 | 月半光军 | 91.40610959 |
197 | UOSZ93 | 91.27386161 |
198 | Angel85 | 91.02574497 |
199 | 弱水 | 88.89381763 |
200 | 正果 | 88.55187622 |
201 | greenbeast | 88.3776709 |
202 | hidekinnes | 88.2656702 |
203 | 德游天下2 | 88.26209822 |
204 | 清华毕业 | 88.05937783 |
205 | 望江陈冠希 | 87.9756286 |
206 | nastyDaddy | 87.94381275 |
207 | 窝东 | 87.81422078 |
208 | chaaves | 87.42617723 |
209 | Aldrinpv | 87.13786763 |
210 | DablioPeTe | 86.57422965 |
211 | CoccoSoprano | 86.23013429 |
212 | 摇臂希 | 86.15971478 |
213 | eldelii | 86.022604 |
214 | VanaBanana | 85.38401141 |
215 | wiki4000 | 84.90726915 |
216 | jedi90o0 | 84.52604041 |
217 | 113w | 84.50147478 |
218 | 赚了一块钱 | 84.22972279 |
219 | yansir123 | 84.08017148 |
220 | 吕施主 | 84.05253997 |
221 | gacon1993 | 84.00849854 |
222 | Raytslee12 | 83.72233561 |
223 | DZ谢霆锋 | 83.51739134 |
224 | lijiehui | 82.61420562 |
225 | 阳光十普照 | 82.47050753 |
226 | SAGA77 | 82.43799469 |
227 | kim1999 | 82.02209307 |
228 | marcelotef | 81.90397462 |
229 | Leisi69 | 81.72335106 |
230 | 李莎琳娜 | 81.53969552 |
231 | 稳中求胜611 | 81.50437971 |
232 | hyper1 | 80.8747085 |
233 | xXCaribean | 80.73523528 |
234 | LINZILE | 80.45263596 |
235 | 虐你到天光 | 80.1544518 |
236 | Chino170609 | 80.14505162 |
237 | 又又又又吃鸡啦 | 79.71613328 |
238 | pokerdream07 | 79.2697411 |
239 | Avry | 79.26542728 |
240 | 师从润发 | 78.99628198 |
241 | 天天向上12 | 78.91424043 |
242 | 部落佳人 | 78.67665848 |
243 | 豪华金刚 | 78.5161242 |
244 | 八月夏秋冬冬 | 78.48689664 |
245 | 58酥 | 78.17729146 |
246 | 木子羽 | 77.96400669 |
247 | Javen1 | 77.15670139 |
248 | Pokervnn1991 | 76.97694713 |
249 | Amundsen | 76.84440044 |
250 | 紫色魔鬼 | 76.79728312 |
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