Weekly Main MTT Leaderboard Week 7
Position | Nickname | Points |
1 | 刀神然后呢 | 1523.87 |
2 | Newlifer | 1123.18 |
3 | Aria | 972.39 |
4 | imBones | 966.19 |
5 | Kutelo82 | 834.70 |
6 | 德远棉 | 582.39 |
7 | 凤战于野 | 574.25 |
8 | 鲁班黑桃A | 543.78 |
9 | 河牌不买单 | 436.21 |
10 | 打排位 | 412.85 |
11 | 冲压 | 357.16 |
12 | 一点 | 354.74 |
13 | 玩徳州心态好 | 336.44 |
14 | YHHYYSWDMZ | 328.62 |
15 | iNeverMind | 322.32 |
16 | 魁梧 | 304.01 |
17 | 微风的夏天 | 300.22 |
18 | zaki10 | 292.58 |
19 | 业余选手o | 269.72 |
20 | fisnikb | 262.90 |
21 | 天7686 | 254.97 |
22 | 火火狐狸 | 251.47 |
23 | 同花大顺杀光光 | 250.42 |
24 | 浪里抽花 | 243.86 |
25 | 小苏eeee | 243.51 |
26 | 999sue | 243.30 |
27 | Wayne18 | 242.40 |
28 | erictmtl | 236.74 |
29 | 善不了一点逸 | 232.46 |
30 | Fakkpereda | 230.86 |
31 | 打败你我就是冠军 | 229.21 |
32 | Kabaranko | 223.55 |
33 | Angry chips | 220.69 |
34 | 幸运板栗 | 218.40 |
35 | 左侧加特林 | 216.42 |
36 | Phatwin86 | 216.34 |
37 | 哈萨克 | 214.25 |
38 | imsolucky | 213.46 |
39 | sorryIMdrunk | 212.74 |
40 | Luckykidd98 | 211.66 |
41 | 我爱吃辣条 | 209.33 |
42 | 抓到一条鱼 | 207.37 |
43 | 小王哦哦哦 | 205.92 |
44 | style2st | 203.99 |
45 | 我是职业的 | 202.05 |
46 | 顺风又顺水 | 190.93 |
47 | 李莎琳娜 | 189.62 |
48 | 河牌亡者 | 187.66 |
49 | 曹文雄 | 186.78 |
50 | allinft | 181.21 |
51 | uuduna1 | 178.32 |
52 | pedrostjr | 177.94 |
53 | CyberHunter | 175.63 |
54 | gacon1993 | 172.57 |
55 | 德游天下2 | 169.38 |
56 | 代号101 | 165.82 |
57 | 云大虾 | 165.71 |
58 | 清华毕业 | 164.56 |
59 | 五金水电批发 | 164.53 |
60 | wiki4000 | 164.09 |
61 | Cms931007 | 163.43 |
62 | 夺冠小天使 | 161.58 |
63 | hoixxxxx96 | 161.40 |
64 | Tatuajero | 159.81 |
65 | yinian | 155.90 |
66 | 世界青年younger | 155.87 |
67 | salinas28 | 155.45 |
68 | HerrFrey | 151.94 |
69 | 妳超浪的好么 | 151.87 |
70 | LuckyBless | 150.57 |
71 | 该冲弃该弃冲 | 149.72 |
72 | Agasajo | 146.56 |
73 | Tommy宝宝 | 146.38 |
74 | 撲克王 | 146.06 |
75 | kmorman | 145.21 |
76 | 小锅锅666 | 144.92 |
77 | 水里的丂丂 | 144.58 |
78 | 老食客 | 143.54 |
79 | 小小鱼7 | 143.41 |
80 | 震鑫 | 142.37 |
81 | hankc88 | 142.19 |
82 | 有点意思U280 | 141.20 |
83 | 水水水水 | 140.46 |
84 | 空悲切白了少年 | 140.22 |
85 | DonkeyKong99 | 139.83 |
86 | otaviohen | 139.80 |
87 | Dracaraise | 138.98 |
88 | JINGYIP | 136.94 |
89 | Slaughter | 136.75 |
90 | 斑马斑马666 | 136.38 |
91 | 三天一倍 | 136.18 |
92 | JoseGab | 135.98 |
93 | 铁甲小宝丶 | 135.28 |
94 | Londrama | 134.14 |
95 | DonSweps | 133.45 |
96 | 他又来送啦 | 132.09 |
97 | habam | 131.81 |
98 | 路口再加 | 131.51 |
99 | kim1999 | 131.10 |
100 | 威少allin6eX | 131.02 |
101 | TudoDeus | 130.82 |
102 | UOSZ93 | 129.96 |
103 | 木子羽 | 129.51 |
104 | Viserys118 | 129.28 |
105 | 落花飘雪 | 129.16 |
106 | 七木 | 129.07 |
107 | 赌神很神 | 128.05 |
108 | 拱北吴彦祖 | 127.95 |
109 | 刘璇宝贝 | 127.66 |
110 | TN30pro | 127.42 |
111 | Daredeviling | 127.39 |
112 | Serenito | 127.35 |
113 | took | 126.80 |
114 | 有点上头0Dp | 126.08 |
115 | DorinaWang | 125.94 |
116 | CNDCombine | 124.74 |
117 | XCOM | 124.14 |
118 | 幸运儿极好的 | 123.98 |
119 | 战狼战群狼 | 123.85 |
120 | dedpul | 123.00 |
121 | chaaves | 122.25 |
122 | JamminJake | 121.89 |
123 | 启幕南楼 | 121.70 |
124 | 豪华金刚 | 121.23 |
125 | UDNUDH | 120.44 |
126 | SKV1981 | 120.14 |
127 | GodIsGood | 119.80 |
128 | 仙人掌做面膜 | 118.66 |
129 | SAGA77 | 118.52 |
130 | gabo62 | 118.46 |
131 | 稳中求胜611 | 118.18 |
132 | GhostGG | 118.09 |
133 | 海露 | 117.69 |
134 | 虎妹下山 | 117.65 |
135 | kbs7706283 | 117.22 |
136 | 金山骄子 | 115.81 |
137 | Fedbycoke | 115.19 |
138 | 小黄人大眼萌 | 115.00 |
139 | 八喜临门 | 114.77 |
140 | pokerdream07 | 114.35 |
141 | 抱歉对A | 113.95 |
142 | 樂活 | 113.91 |
143 | 溜溜球y28 | 112.42 |
144 | 霸道2 | 112.14 |
145 | TrebolDan | 111.78 |
146 | 1BulletMai | 110.31 |
147 | 悦谦 | 109.83 |
148 | 小韦德 | 109.69 |
149 | MonJJ | 109.26 |
150 | 翡翠欧庭 | 109.15 |
151 | Forever01 | 109.07 |
152 | PokerPrem | 109.06 |
153 | scopel2008 | 108.58 |
154 | 瑤铣 | 108.49 |
155 | 弘扬Ei3 | 108.10 |
156 | Spoteiro | 107.69 |
157 | tagyourit | 107.62 |
158 | zeroCHANOoj | 107.36 |
159 | Balzeta | 107.31 |
160 | pocketacesAJ | 107.25 |
161 | keipass | 107.21 |
162 | AGoodHand | 106.24 |
163 | 德海狂鲨 | 105.32 |
164 | 林家军 | 105.24 |
165 | pokerfish218 | 104.67 |
166 | Yoyo1986 | 104.62 |
167 | Jokeszxc | 103.63 |
168 | 天高路不远 | 103.61 |
169 | 欠债80万 | 103.43 |
170 | PASSIO | 103.43 |
171 | 浮浮沉沉了 | 102.83 |
172 | DTQTPPKKTQ | 102.81 |
173 | 二冲 | 102.64 |
174 | Ned10012016 | 101.84 |
175 | SHOSEI | 101.79 |
176 | plm181 | 101.35 |
177 | Harryba77 | 101.10 |
178 | RockyBhaai | 100.95 |
179 | TT乐丶 | 100.52 |
180 | 月经蕃茄汤 | 100.25 |
181 | 沁钟鼎 | 99.68 |
182 | IMMOll | 99.10 |
183 | tooktook86 | 98.31 |
184 | sofast | 98.17 |
185 | dashi归来 | 97.92 |
186 | 猪便便 | 97.82 |
187 | Aldrinpv | 97.07 |
188 | rocky118 | 96.67 |
189 | alexisgarr8 | 96.31 |
190 | lucasm08 | 96.09 |
191 | DRodman91 | 96.07 |
192 | 695859189AA | 95.70 |
193 | 1235hfjldf12 | 95.69 |
194 | melody2106 | 95.42 |
195 | 来就推你 | 95.26 |
196 | rakuyu | 95.22 |
197 | muramura | 94.21 |
198 | 阿白mtt专用 | 93.99 |
199 | Barakuda | 93.54 |
200 | 幸运之神嘉嘉 | 93.44 |
201 | 嬲塞大白 | 93.11 |
202 | 虐你到天光 | 92.96 |
203 | Doutrinadorr | 92.95 |
204 | de | 92.44 |
205 | 一条AK | 92.08 |
206 | torjanTnF | 91.70 |
207 | 默默等金刚 | 91.62 |
208 | BigFish35 | 91.36 |
209 | marcelotef | 91.30 |
210 | bull1122 | 91.26 |
211 | HeEtSeatto | 90.38 |
212 | ghlhyy | 90.15 |
213 | greenbeast | 90.03 |
214 | haranimu | 89.46 |
215 | 英雄 | 88.88 |
216 | HeyeA | 88.70 |
217 | Shivsambhu | 88.44 |
218 | bhjp | 88.23 |
219 | 7亿万富翁 | 87.80 |
220 | 常威c | 87.54 |
221 | GiveMe888 | 87.36 |
222 | 武极电脑 | 87.21 |
223 | 皇家同花顺慢打 | 87.08 |
224 | 咋虎 | 86.96 |
225 | 金盛兰 | 86.93 |
226 | NIC2222 | 86.81 |
227 | 济财 | 86.51 |
228 | 奔跑吧AA | 86.29 |
229 | 夏乃文 | 86.08 |
230 | Eatme1 | 86.01 |
231 | Nodoogz | 85.83 |
232 | lalito123567 | 85.69 |
233 | 4个红中 | 85.43 |
234 | 正果 | 85.24 |
235 | birineu | 84.80 |
236 | RIPZONE | 84.69 |
237 | 部落小虾米 | 84.19 |
238 | 偿失 | 84.10 |
239 | IWasBorn2Win | 84.05 |
240 | shikolin | 83.47 |
241 | KINGSAMHOR | 83.28 |
242 | 德州小小酥 | 83.04 |
243 | 为爱流过泪 | 82.99 |
244 | bridge梁 | 82.90 |
245 | 卉云 | 82.75 |
246 | 乘机打劫不多吧 | 82.73 |
247 | Lucky79 | 82.62 |
248 | 我是疯鱼呢 | 82.53 |
249 | hidekinnes | 82.16 |
250 | 八一路 | 82.09 |
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