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Floating the Turn in Online Poker

Success for an online poker player hinges on the ability to adapt and make strategic decisions at crucial moments. One such pivotal moment is the turn, the fourth community card dealt on the board. 

Floating the turn is an advanced play used to gain an edge over opponents. In this blog post, we'll look into how to incorporate this strategy effectively into your online poker game.

Understanding the Turn:

Before delving into floating the turn, it is essential to understand the significance of fourth street in Texas Hold'em. The turn often acts as a game-changer, reshaping the dynamics of a hand. As the turn card is revealed, players gain additional information, allowing them to reassess the strength of their hands and the potential holdings of their opponents.

What is Floating the Turn?

Floating the turn is a strategic maneuver where a player calls a bet on the turn with the intention of making a move on the river. Unlike a straightforward call, floating involves a deeper level of analysis, anticipating your opponent's actions, and exploiting potential weaknesses in their hand, or their game.

There's a number of Key Elements regarding the concept of Floating the Turn, such as: 

Board Texture:

Analyzing the texture of the turn card is crucial. A coordinated or dynamic board can present more opportunities for floating, as it increases the likelihood of scare cards on the river.

Opponent Tendencies:

Understanding your opponent's playing style is paramount. Are they aggressive, passive, or somewhere in between? Knowing their tendencies helps you predict their reaction to your float.

Image at the Table:

Your table image plays a significant role. If you've been playing a tight-aggressive style, opponents are more likely to give your turn float credibility, making your bluffs on the river more effective.


Floating is generally more effective in position. Being the last to act allows you to see your opponent's reaction on the river before deciding on your next move.

Choosing the Right Spot:

Look for situations where the turn card could change the complexion of the hand. An apparent scare card for your opponent might set the stage for a successful float.

Size Your Turn Call:

Make sure your turn call is appropriately sized. You want to make it profitable for your potential bluff on the river while not investing too much if the situation turns unfavorable. While you can’t dictate the size of the bet you’ll face, you can change strategy depending on how much your opponent bets.

Observe Opponent Reactions: 

Pay attention to your opponent's bet sizing on the river. If they show signs of weakness, it might be the perfect moment to pounce with a well-timed bluff.

By adding this Floating the Turn strategy into your arsenal, you can gain a significant edge over opponents who may not be as adept at reading the changing dynamics of a hand. Remember, successful poker is not just about the cards you're dealt, but also about the strategic decisions you make at crucial junctures in the game. 

As you refine your skills in floating the turn, you'll find yourself navigating the virtual poker tables with increased confidence and success.