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Guillen is Discord $500 Bounty

Send one of the WPT Global Ambassadors to the rail in our Sunday $10 WPT Global Discord Ambassador Takeover tournaments and win $500.

That’s all there is to it - one KO and $500 is yours.

Week 1 saw Brad Owen hit the rail, Week 2 sent Andrew Neeme down.

Last week it was Rampage falling for a $500 player-payout.

This week, WPT Global Ambassador Angel Guillen joins the Discord tournament, and you win $500 for knocking him out.

There’s a different WPT Global Ambassador or Influencer offered up as a $500 bounty each Sunday in March and April.

Discord Leaderboards for March and April pay out a combined $15,000 in total prizes, so be sure to get in every week for your chance to win big.

Here’s where you can find all the information about the Ambassador Takeovers.