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10 Quick Poker Tips To Help Your Game in 10 Minutes

Online poker is a fast-paced game, so here’s some fast tips to keep you on top of your game and so you can keep building stacks in your games.

Playing in Position is Winning Poker

You always hold the advantage when you act in a later position at the poker table because you already know what your opponent does before you proceed. You have that advantage for the rest of the hand during postflop play as well so use that information.

Be Selective in Starting Hands and Play Them Aggressively

Enter pots with proper hands based on your position at the table and play them accordingly. If your hand is good enough to play then it should be good enough to raise with. Limping and calling are rarely profitable in poker, so be on the

The Most Important Texas Holdem Tip - Don’t Tilt

This is one of those poker tips that applies to life in general. Don't lose control of your emotions at the poker table if the luck doesn’t go your way that day. You will most likely make mistakes as you’re tilting while offending other players at the table, and if you push it too far you will also receive a penalty from the tournament staff depending on your behavior. 

Don’t be the First Player to Limp

You can limp into a pot if someone else has already done so and there are no bets or raises in front of you, particularly from the blinds, but you don’t want to open-limp as the first player to enter a pot. This will just scream weakness to the other players in the hand if you’re the first to act, so unless you’re trying to trap them then your cards aren’t good enough to play if you just want to limp.

Semi-Bluff Aggressively with Your Draws

A good way to start learning how to bluff is to semi-bluff with your draws. This most typically happens when you sense weakness from your opponent’s betting action while you have the dual advantage of drawing to a straight or flush. There is a chance they might fold to your aggression, and you have the chance of actually hitting your draw as a backup so it’s the best of both worlds while showing you’re capable of bluffing without a made-hand to your opponents.

Fast-Play Your Strong Hands to Build the Pot and Make More Money

Whenever you get premium hands you should start building a pot as soon as possible to get paid off for patiently waiting for those hands. Those hands only come your way so often, so make as much money as you can off of them as possible, especially if you can pick up the pot without a showdown.

Know When to Fold Your Aces

Sometimes you will get THE premium hand in the wrong place at the wrong time. Knowing when to fold aces saves you far more money than you most likely ever win with them. Bet them aggressively up until that moment where your gut tells you it’s time to fold, but relinquish the hand when that time is staring you in the face.

Attack When Your Opponent Shows Weakness

As you well know from the previous tips, you should play your strong hands aggressively on every single street so when your opponents show weakness you know that is a mistake and it’s time to attack. Calling stations are a great way to build your chip stack in cash games or tournaments, just be sure you have the goods when you bet into them because they’re hard to bluff out of a pot.

Become a Calling Station Versus Aggressive Regulars

If you get a read on overly aggressive players at your table it actually becomes profitable to call against them. They just keep betting into you with inferior cards while they try to over-aggressively bet everyone off the pot, and if you have a good hand then your cards are most likely to hold up and win. 

Pay Attention to Your Opponents

All of these tips can be traced back to making sure you’re paying attention to your opponents at the table. Sure, it’s easy to get distracted by your phone, or get lost in the song you're listening to on your headphones, but you’re going to lose out on a lot of free information your opponents are offering up if you do so. You need to be paying attention to know which opponents you can possibly bluff against, and which opponents you can call with weaker cards against because they’re too aggressive. It comes down to more than just your two hole cards, but you have to  be paying attention to notice all of those nuances where poker is won or lost.


Online Poker Basics

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